Root Canal Therapy
February 9, 2024 by healthyfolks 0 Comments

Exploring Root Canal Therapy and Pulp Inflammation

A sensitive tooth, swollen gums, or chipped tooth might be bothering you. Pain on biting or pimples on the gums could be your concern. These are all symptoms that point to a tooth infection. You may need a root canal.

So what is this root canal? Before answering that question it is important to know one or two things about your teeth.

The tooth has three parts. The teeth-coloured outer layer is the enamel. The middle layer is a hard covering called dentin. The innermost soft layer with blood vessels, nerves, and connecting tissues is called teeth pulp.

Pulp inflammation

Teeth infections are likely to affect the pulp. It could be due to bad oral hygiene, a chipped tooth, or a decay in teeth. However, Infection spreading onto your pulp causes inflammation. This is called pulp inflammation. It causes discomfort over chewing or other symptoms mentioned earlier. Strong sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages is a symptom of such infections.  

Root Canal

Root canal treatment mostly referred to as root canal is the removal of the infected pulp from the inside of your tooth after making an incision by a specialist dentist. Root canal treatment in Abu Dhabi is a serious procedure. For an experienced dentist, it is an easy task that he/she does regularly. 

How is it done?

Your dentist will take an X-ray of your teeth to locate the infection. You will be provided with anesthesia to numb the pain. Later on, he will make an incision through your tooth crown. A dental dam is made to avoid the interruption by saliva. The infected pulp inside the cavity is removed and the tooth is cleaned for residual particles. After this, the root canal is sealed. A temporary sealing is also provided to keep the procedure intact. The dentist may provide one more appointment to make sure that the infection is not returning. Finally, the temporary sealing is replaced by a permanent crown. This is a procedure which may take 1-2 sessions. Root canal treatment in Abu Dhabi which offers advanced root canal treatments is so easy that it is treated with the ease of a tooth extraction. However, expertise is needed to conduct this procedure. 

Is it a painful treatment? 

Remember the anesthesia part. This is done with the help of a local anesthetist. So you won’t have to worry about the pain.

Why is it necessary to do a root canal?

This is a valid question since you might prefer to go for tooth extraction and dental implants. The advantage of a root canal is that it enables us to keep the original tooth. The bite force, sensation, efficient chewing, and natural appearance offered by your natural teeth might not be available from a dental implant.
The pulp was the part that nourished your tooth. A fully grown tooth can sustain itself even without pulp by getting nourishment from nearby tissues. Hence your natural tooth is maintained. Also this procedure will not cause any wear and tear to nearby teeth. 

Compared to tooth extraction a root canal might appear to be an expensive procedure. Healthy Folks Medical Center with its qualified professionals is here to support you. We will be providing comfortable care at affordable pricing. Feel free to reach out to us for further clarifications on root canal treatment in Abu Dhabi.