Shine Bright: Exploring Teeth Whitening Options in Abu Dhabi
Teeth whitening in Abu Dhabi is a very effective cosmetic dental procedure that will remove stains and discoloration, making teeth bright and white. The discoloration of teeth could be due to lifestyle and food habits because the accumulated pigments from food and beverages will cause the stains. The pigments will penetrate the hard outer layer of tooth, also known as tooth enamel causing the teeth to look yellow or brown. Over time and with further abuse, the staining will get darker and darker, and the patient will need professional whitening treatment.
There are quite a few options that you can choose to make your teeth whiter.
Check out some of your options in Teeth Whitening in Abu Dhabi
Mild abrasive toothpaste
There are toothpaste that come with mild abrasives., and they will scrub the surface of the teeth, making them cleaner. However, there is a limit to the extent of cleaning that the toothpaste can give you. Though they are safe to use on a regular basis, you might need the expertise of a professional cleaning clinic if the stains are stubborn, and do not go away with the toothpaste.
Over-the-counter whitening products
If you have mild staining that doesn’t go with brushing and flossing, then you can buy OTC or Over-the-counter whitening products like whitening strips, toothpaste and gels. You can apply these over the stained teeth and strip them off. However, these are not as effective as professional treatments because they do not last long.
Zoom teeth whitening
This technique uses a special low power UV light and special gel and would effectively remove stains and discoloration from the teeth. People with stains caused by red wine, coffee, aging etc. rely on this kind of whitening to give them noticeably whiter and brighter teeth. This is an in-office procedure and can make the teeth 1-10 shades whiter.
Laser teeth whitening
This is similar to Zoom teeth whitening. There will be a whitening gel which will be applied onto the teeth, and activated by laser light. The advantage with this kind of teeth whitening procedure is that it is good for people with sensitive teeth, because it is less aggressive than Zoom.
The dentist would be the best person to determine which kind of treatment would be most suitable for your teeth. They would do a dental check up to determine your dental health and hygiene. If your teeth have chips, cracks or sensitivity, then the dentist would check whether teeth whitening is a good option for you. Teeth whitening at the dentist’s clinic is definitely long lasting because of the potency of the materials used. The frequency of the treatment would, of course, depend on the extent of staining and discoloration. If the discoloration is very strong, then you might need quite a few sittings to get the desired color. With changes in lifestyle and oral hygiene, you can be assured of the whiteness of the teeth. People with crowded or misaligned teeth may not find the treatment very effective because the bleaching agents may not reach in the areas where there is crowding.